Destroyed in Seconds was a half-hour American television series that aired on Discovery Channel. Hosted by Ron Pitts, it features video segments of various things being destroyed fairly quickly (hence, "in seconds") such as planes crashing, explosions, sinkholes, boats crashing, fires, race car incidents, floods, etc. The nature of the show closely resembles Real TV. The show uses real video of real events, and commentary explaining the destruction portrayed. Most videos have stock sound effects added. Some of the events seen resulted in fatalities (but if so, very few), and all of the events have property damage.
Video Destroyed in Seconds
Usually, if a destruction is horrible, very dangerous, heart-stopping, or results in many injuries, the show usually goes into commercial either right at the moment of impact, right before it, or a little afterwards. When the show starts again, it reviews what happened and then explains what started the incident.
Maps Destroyed in Seconds
Season 1 completed on March 23, 2009. This is a list of Destroyed in Seconds episodes for Season 1:
See also
- Shockwave (TV series)
- Time Warp (TV series)
- World's Most Amazing Videos
External links
- Destroyed In Seconds on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia